The Bohemian Club has an Annual Summer Encampment, a two-week retreat for the rich and powerful that President Herbert Hoover once called 'the greatest party on Earth.' The club's famed annual gathering has been held for more than 100 years at the 2,700-acre Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio, about 70 miles north of San Francisco in Sonoma County. It draws in notables such as former President George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Dow Chemical Chairman Frank Popoff, as well as actors and other luminaries.
The annual gathering near the Russian River, which was first held in 1879, starts with the 'Cremation of Care' ritual, in which the club's mascot is burned in effigy to an owl god (Moloch), symbolizing a freedom from care. Members also perform several plays, and gourmet food and expensive wine are plentiful. While the club was formed in 1872 by a group of San Francisco journalists, the male-only club now bars journalists from membership to protect the group's privacy. Membership is coveted, and people routinely wait 10 or 15 years before gaining admittance. There are currently about 2,700 members.

The world's most prestigious summer camp, The Bohemian Grove, is fiercely guarded. The 2,700-acre retreat is the country extension of San Francisco's all-male ultra-exclusive Bohemian Club to which every Republican President since Herbert Hoover has belonged. Some 20% of members engage in homosexual activity. They watch (and participate in) plays and comedy shows in which women are portrayed by male actors. Although women are not allowed in the Grove, members often leave at night to enjoy the company of many prostitutes and mind controlled sex slaves who come from around the world for this event. Employees of the Grove have said that no verbal description can accurately portray the bizarre behavior of the Grove's inhabitants.

Besides this type of merriment, the annual gathering serves as an informational clearing house for the elite. The most powerful men in the country do their "networking" here. At these gatherings, men representing the government, military-industrial and financial sectors meet and make policy decisions. The Manhattan Project, which produced the first atomic bomb, was conceived in the Grove in 1942. Other decisions made at the Grove include who our presidential candidates will be. There are speeches, known as "Lakeside Talks," wherein high-ranking officials disseminate information which is not available to the public at large. When powerful people work together, they become even more powerful. The Grove membership is wealthy, and becoming more so, while the middle class is steadily becoming poorer. This close-knit group determines whether prices rise or fall (by their control of the banking system, money supply, and markets) and they make money whichever way the markets fluctuate. They determine what our rights are and which laws have effect, and then selling candidates to us via the media which they own. Important issues and facts are omitted from discussion in the press, or slanted to suit their goals, but they are discussed frankly at the Grove. With its high-powered clientele, coveted privacy and cabalistic rituals, the Bohemian Grove has prompted considerable suspicion.

It was formed one night in 1872 by five bored news hawks on the San Francisco Examiner to promote good fellowship (i.e.,wild drunken parties) and 'to help elevate journalism to that place in the popular estimation to which it is entitled.' Today, a prospective member faces an interrogation that, according to one club man, 'would satisfy the KGB.' There is a waiting list of 1,500 notables, all eager to pay the $2,500 initiation fee and $600-a-year dues.' Some past members include, George P. Shultz, Stephen Bechtel, Jr., Gerald R. Ford, Henry Kissinger, William F. Buckley, Jr., Fred L. Hartley, Merv Griffin, Thomas Haywood, Joseph Coors, Edward Teller, Ronald Reagan, A. W. Clausen, George Bush, William French Smith, John E. Swearingten, Casper W. Weinberger, Justin Dart, William E. Simon, and hundreds of other prominent politicos and businessmen.' Up until recently, our knowledge of Bohemian Grove was that it is the exclusive elitist hideaway of supposedly adult wheeler dealers, a.k.a. Washington statesman and prominent personalities.

Some may dismiss their behavior as immature, even pitiful, acted out by emotionally disturbed individuals, and not worth attention. However, this is actually where Bush, Cheney, and their friends (2700 members)"the governing elite", gathered to take part in bizzare, satanic rituals. Recent information will radically change the perception of Bohemian Grove. Not merely drunkenness, unbounded use of alcohol and drugs with vague homosexual tones, but reported activities much more serious ' kidnapping, rape, paedophilia, illegal detention of children, sodomy and ritual murder. Investigation is blocked under the 1947 National Security Act.(!) For decades, there have been vague rumors of weird goings on in Bohemian Grove in more remote parts of its 2700 acres. Reliable reports claim Druidic like rituals - druids in red hooded robes marching in procession and chanting to the Great Owl (Moloch) - a funeral pyre with 'corpses'. (Scores of men work in the Bohemian Grove as servants, so this party is fairly well established.)

An article in a local community newspaper, The Santa Rosa Sun, reported on the Cult of Canaan and the legend of Moloch in place at Bohemian Grove. The Moloch Pagan Cult of Sacrifice is human sacrifice. About the mid 1980s there were rumors of murders in remote parts of the property. A local police investigation went nowhere. State investigators on related criminal acts went nowhere. An observer and near victim has described the Bohemian Grove inner hideaways, the closed sanctum, even the decor at secret locations, places where no outsider goes (or servants according to our sources). Apparently there is an UNDERGROUND lounge (sign spelled U.N.derground) a Dark Room, a Leather Room and a Necrophilia Room.

Also he reported: 'Slaves of advancing age or with failed programming were sacrificially murdered at random in the wooded grounds of Bohemian Grove and I felt it was only a matter of time until it would be me.' This potential victim survived. Others reportedly did not. These cults were based on human sacrifice. Why would such a resort reproduce cult ceremonies? At the minimum, it demonstrates an attraction to the ceremonial practices of the occult, i.e. adoration of destruction, blood, barbarity and sacrifice of children. In brief, the charges are consistent with the tenants of Bohemian Grove as played out in ceremony. This is not a resort devoted to, for example, tennis or swimming. It is apparently devoted to blood sacrifices.

There is a videotape put out by radio talk show host Alex Jones,, who shows on his Web site the bizarre, Luciferian ceremonies that occur there. It was taken surreptitiously by Jones from as far as 200 yards from the owl idol during the grove's annual and highly secret "Cremation of Care" ceremony. But Jones says he could make out the form of a wrapped infant, which he believed was real and alive, being sacrificed. At their corporate-feudal Shangri-La, the New World Order people are bringing to birth a new age in which ritual sacrificing of live humans shall be considered normal and healthy.

These ruling class elitists are certain that by convincing the Left and the Right that each other is the main enemy, they can orchestrate a crescendo of conflict between both camps, knock both out, and eliminate substantial sectors of resistance to the New World Order in the process. The denizens of the Grove are well aware of the critical juncture of time we now live in. After inducing the various elements of the opposition to fall upon each other, perhaps they hope to continue their bizarre behavior, and human sacrifices, in a more open and accepting environment. Perhaps the behavior we see at the Bohemian Grove is just a taste of the type of society they envision for all of us in the near future.