By Cherie Zaslawsky -

You know things are looking bad for Kameleon Harris when even the progressive Los Angeles Times declines to endorse her.

In fact, just last week, both Wayne Allyn Root and Paul Manafort compared this election to that of 1980, when Ronald Reagan trounced Jimmy Carter in a landslide victory. They predict that Trump is about to have a similar landslide. American voters didn't like inflation under President Carter and they like it no better under Biden and Harris, among other things.

Manafort - who temporarily managed Trump's 2016 campaign - made his prediction in an interview with Tucker Carlson.

Savvy political commentator and longtime radio show host Wayne Allyn Root recently wrote about the dramatic decline of Kamala's polling numbers, along with her talent for alienating nearly everyone, and another article that brings the good news we've been waiting for: Trump's a shoo-in for the presidency!

Of course, there's one caveat: remember Biden's statement in 2020, in a rare lucid moment: "We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."

Yessir! They did just that. Will they do that again? They'll try, but according to savvy oddsmakers and bettors, as we'll see below, they'll likely fail because Trump's lead and popularity are just too great. Besides, since Kalamity has done us the favor of alienating so many voters, where do you think they're going to go? That's right: to Donald Trump!

Who would have predicted that RFK Jr., the Kennedy scion with a storied family legacy as a Democrat par excellence, would have cast his lot with Trump, let alone join him on the campaign trail?

Or how about Elon Musk, the darling of progressive Silicon Valley, jumping up and down as he climbs aboard the Trump Train? Not to mention erstwhile Democrat Tulsi Gabbard or the latest crossover progressive, Jimmy Dore.

We recently learned that Jeff Bezos' slimy WaPo took the same cowardly route as the L.A. Times, refusing to endorse either candidate - suddenly taking the moral high ground, doncha know. Even though the Washington Post and the L.A. Times both happily endorsed Biden - and therefore Harris as VP - in 2020.

USA Today, along with 200 other Gannett-owned newspapers, have joined the Abandon Kamala Brigade - euphemistically calling it a decision not to endorse any presidential candidate, but we know they weren't about to endorse Trump. Folks, the tide has turned!

A number of the biggest newspaper purveyors of slanderous lies about Trump see which way the winds are blowing and apparently don't want to go to bat for the dead-on-arrival Harris campaign. They aren't brave enough to endorse DJT, which would mean they'd have a lot of 'splainin' to do after all the years of demonizing him, but this is still a game-changer! They've just given Kameleon Harris a vote of no confidence!

It even shocked some of their top editors, who resigned in protest. How dare their progressive papers stop propagandizing for Obama's second surrogate, the DEI Dunderhead, Ms. Harris? Conversely, the true blue New York Times gave Harris a glowing endorsement - glowing with TDS, that is. Why does the "Gray Lady" think we should vote for Kalamity? Man BAD!

But after said Orange Man packed Madison Square Garden on Sunday night - with 75,000 more standing outside the venue - it seems the "Trump is Hitler" meme is not playing too well, even in the Big Apple.

Yes, there's a candidate to fear - but it's not Donald Trump. It's the woman the Times calls "the only patriotic choice for president." In a classic instance of satanic inversion, the Times has brazenly turned reality upside down, hoping to hoodwink the gullible.

Longtime NeverTrumper Tucker Carlson, who's now, astonishingly, also on the Trump Train, recently described the seismic shift we're experiencing this way during his dynamic speech at... wait for it... a Trump rally: "Dad's home! [dramatic pause] And he's pissed!" So are the American people, as we survey the damage the catastrophic Biden/Harris regime has inflicted on our nation. Here's the inimitable Wayne Allyn Root opining on the DEI candidate's recent faux pas:

"One Candidate Just Had the Worst Week in the History of Politics. Can You Guess Which One?" He goes on to chronicle Kamala's disasters, beginning with her interview on Fox News conducted by Bret Baier. As usual, she wouldn't answer a single question, though she managed to be insultingly condescending toward her interlocutor in the process, who tried, with no success, to pin her down on, well, anything. Her policy positions? Orange Man bad. Orange Man unhinged! Orange Man dangerous! A highlight for me was Bret's asking her this: "You've been vice president for three and a half years, so what are you 'turning the page' from?"

Her reply? She's turning the page from... wait for i... Donald Trump's "divisive rhetoric!" The blazing irony here is that as she casts aspersions on his so-called rhetoric, her own is far uglier, nastier, and utterly dishonest to boot! Who's calling whom Hitler? Observes Wayne:

Kamala was exposed as a fraud. Not just any fraud, but a lazy fraud. She is either A) Really dumb. Or B) She's just too lazy to actually study any issues or understand any policies. I vote for C) Both. He goes on to point out the result of her snubbing the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner in New York: "There goes the Catholic vote."

And in case you missed it, take a look at the bizarre video she sent to represent her at the dinner - stunningly cringe-worthy - shown at the formal, highly esteemed Al Smith dinner - an annual benefit for New York's Catholic charities. I'd call that an affront. It gets worse.

When a man at one of her rallies called out "Jesus is Lord!" the spontaneous Kamala that we rarely see popped out. Her response? A smug, snarky: "Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally… Try the smaller one down the street!" This was met with gales of laughter and cheering from her radical leftist pro-abortion audience, accompanied by her familiar cackling.

Wayne's take? "Kamala mocked God. She offended anyone who believes in Jesus." Says Wayne: "There goes the Christian vote." And after she agreed with a Hamas-supporting protester that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza by saying, "Listen to what he's talking about; It's real," Wayne observes:

"There goes the Jewish vote." And for the coup de grace? As Wayne reports: Black rapper Lizzo got up on stage at a Kamala event in Motown and told the crowd, "Kamala will turn the whole country into Detroit." "There goes the entire suburban vote."

In his article on Trump, Wayne predicts a repeat of the Reagan-Carter election of 1980, exclaiming: Trump is the New Reagan!

Polls show Trump with the best polling numbers of his entire career and, most importantly, leading in all seven battleground states, which would give him an electoral landslide.

And that's not all: Wayne took a look at the major betting pools where the smart money goes and found this at Polymarket:

Michigan - Trump leads 55% to 46%

Pennsylvania - Trump leads 57% to 43%

North Carolina - Trump leads 67% to 34% [Where Joe and Kamala were missing in action in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, while Trump - not yet even in office - showed up]

Georgia - Trump leads 71% to 30%

Nevada - Trump leads 65% to 36%

Wisconsin - Trump leads 56% to 45%

Arizona - Trump leads 72% to 29%

Overall at Polymarket, Trump's odds of winning the entire election are 63% to 37% for Kamala. That's a 26-point lead. If these figures are even close to being accurate, it will be next to impossible for the Dems and pals to steal this election.

Let's just say impossible! And let's hear it for poetic justice! The Dems overplayed their hand with their insufferable DEI candidate, whom Wayne Root calls DLI: Dumb, Lazy, and Incompetent.

And now there's been a tectonic shift! At last, people get it! The lightweight "joy" candidate disses Catholics, Jews, and Christians, demonizes her opponent, and desperately backpedals on her lifelong far-left positions.

Whereas the man she calls "unstable," "unfit," and "dangerous" - the one who, as president, made America energy independent and catalyzed a nearly miraculous economic boom during the first few years of his administration - the man who's demonstrated he's willing to lay his life on the line for his country - the man who filled Madison Square Garden with a joyous, high-energy rally featuring famous icons from RFK Jr. to Tucker Carlson to Elon Musk - that man, Donald J. Trump - is the man of the hour, who has long since proven himself worthy to lead our nation and to make America great again!

Looks like it will soon be morning in America!


    Democrats have one honorable option, They can concede the election to the best man in the country for the job, Trump, without starting a civil war. But don't count on that.