By Jack Hellner -
The media and other Democrats endlessly complain about misinformation, but here is Massachusetts senator Ed Markey spreading false information about how the fires in California are caused by oil and Trump, a pair of outrageous lies.
As fires wreak havoc in California, Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., claimed in a post on X the catastrophe is 'what a climate emergency looks like.' In another tweet, he took aim at President-elect Trump, asserting the incoming president has been bought off by the oil industry.
'Trump has been bought for $1 billion by Big Oil. Just a payoff to kill the IRA and the Green New Deal. We know what will happen. More fires, more climate disasters, more death. The LA fires are [a] preview of coming atrocities,' Markey declared in a post on X.

Democrats have had complete control of California for decades, and have had control of the White House for twelve of the last sixteen years, but somehow this is what California will look like with Trump in charge the next four years.
The climate has changed cyclically and naturally for billions of years, long before humans and oil could have had anything to do with it. Earth has had many warming and cooling periods, and it didn't matter if CO2 was high or low.
California has clearly had long droughts before gas powered trucks, cars, and planes, and before many humans lived there. That is why much of California is a desert. The state has always had high winds.
Markey said Trump has been bought off by Big Oil. That is clearly not true. He has always believed we should drill and have reasonably priced and independent energy, long before he ran for president and before he got a dime in contributions.
Democrats on the other hand have clearly been bought off by green pushers. They repeat that the science is settled without ever seeing a scintilla of evidence that shows any relationship between the number of humans on the planet, the number of vehicles, or the amount of oil, natural gas, and coal used and temperatures, fires, or storm activity. The media and other Democrats just repeat what they are told by green pushers, and shovel massive amounts of our money to them without asking questions or doing any research.
Markey and other green pushers should be asked one simple question: How could the earth have had a global cooling period from 1940–1975 if our use of natural resources, which was rising rapidly at the time, causes warming? Science says that if there is no correlation between variables, no one can assume causation. Republicans are repeatedly blamed for things they didn't do:
Bush and his energy policies were blamed for Hurricane Katrina, and we were told that hurricanes would be more frequent and stronger after Katrina. Instead we had an extremely mild ten-year period following Katrina. The dire predictions were 100% wrong, as are all the previous dire predictions on the climate. Hurricanes and other storm activity is and has always been cyclical.
Biden intentionally opened the border as soon as he took office but it became a public relations disaster, so Trump and the Republicans were blamed for the chaos at the border when they blocked a worthless "immigration reform" bill three-and-a-half years after Biden took office.
Trump was falsely blamed for handing Biden a bad economy when the economy and employment rate had been improving rapidly for the eight months before Biden took office.
Trump's tax rate cuts have been falsely blamed for rising deficits (repeatedly) when they actually raised a substantial amount of money for the government. Rising revenues do not cause deficits, only increased spending above the revenues does.
Trump has been repeatedly accused of dividing the country, but it is the Democrats who call Trump supporters deplorable, racists, xenophobes, homophobes, and any other despicable name of which they can think. Biden and others still repeat the lies about what Trump said in Charlottesville to intentionally gin up racial hate and violence.
We hear Democrats preach about the importance of bipartisanship while they do everything they can to destroy Trump, block his policies, and sabotage his sensible cabinet picks. "Bipartisanship" to Democrats is when they can suck some Republicans into voting in their radical policies.
Here are some recent facts about the climate in California:
Experts had warned of continued droughts in California for 2023, but their predictions were 100% wrong. They had record snow. But don't worry, this was an anomaly! Climate change will block that snow in the future, the green pushers said:
"Last year's snow deluge in California, which quickly erased a two decade long megadrought, was essentially a once-in-a-lifetime rescue from above, a new study found. Don't get used to it because with climate change the 2023 California snow bonanza - a record for snow on the ground on April 1 - will be less likely in the future, said the study in Monday's journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences."
But in another surprise to the green pushers, 2024 was also a very snowy year. Of course, California hadn't built reservoirs to store the water. They were too busy warning about droughts and painting the fire hydrants in rainbow colors for LGBTQ visibility.
In May and June of 2023, LA didn't even hit 80 degrees for 59 days - a record period of cool temperatures. So after 160 years of exponential growth of everything their green pushers say causes warming, they had record cool temperatures.
Climate change caused by humans and our use of natural resources is the biggest scam of all time. It is meant to control us by destroying our quality of life and shoveling trillions to green pushers. As the joke goes, China doesn't worry about climate change because it already has a communist government.
There's no way to pass this off on Trump. The left owns it and they know it. They tried the same crap during the election. How did that work out for them?