On May 1, 2008, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, known in the mainstream press as the DC Madam, was reported to have hanged herself in a shed in the back yard of her mothers home. A suicide note was found. Palfrey's note used a number of clichés, strangely including modern day lynching, a darkly ironic reference to her impending manner of death, and also apparently referring to the extremely selective enforcement - they tried to destroy her life, while sparing all of the politically powerful elite who used her services - that found her guilty in federal court of racketeering and money laundering in connection with her operation of an escort service that catered to Washington insiders.

The trial's verdict received little press coverage, and a scheduled Louisiana Senator David Vitter, who was admittedly one of her clients, was never subpoenaed. Palfrey was scheduled to be sentenced in late-July for her convictions. Among her reported clients were Senator John McCain, Senator Vitter, former AIDS Czar Randall Tobias - the scandal led to his resignation from his State Department position, Dick Morris, military strategist Harlan Ullman - creator of the concept of "shock and awe", and former Vice President Dick Cheney. Then came the May 1 hanging. It was presented as a suicide from the first mention with no investigation. Like so many other stories with incriminating ties to the elite, it vanished from the headlines as quickly as it appeared.

Palfrey's alleged fear of being sentenced to 6-8 years behind bars was supposedly the main reason for her suicide. However, this does not correlate with the expectations of the vast majority of legal analysts who expected Palfrey to receive a sentence of 2-3 years. Palfrey certainly knew this, since she graduated from Rollins College with a degree in criminal justice, and attended Thomas Jefferson School of Law.

Just a few days before her death, Palfrey herself said that "she was preparing for federal prison. She believed that she would get time off of her sentence for good behavior. She also thought that she might buy a place in Germany one day," according to a Baltimore Sun report. Palfrey's supposed fear that she would be "penniless" upon leaving jail does not correlate with the fact that she was in line to make millions for a best-selling tell-all memoir that was in the pipeline, not to mention Hollywood movies, documentaries, speaking tours and TV guest appearances.

Even the establishment media mouthpiece The Washington Post conceded that, "There would have been book deals, movies, forgiveness, and VIP tickets to charity balls," upon Palfrey's release. Palfrey KNEW that Hollywood movies and book deals were waiting to transform her into a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE for telling all. Palfrey would have probably spent two years in a virtual country club in exchange for living a life of luxury and never having to work another day for the rest of her life upon release, and SHE KNEW THAT!.

In 2007 Palfrey turned over years-long call lists to ABC News correspondent Brian Ross for his staff to verify for a story on ABC's 20/20. It was a story that ABC never aired. Could Brian Ross, now elevated in the ABC ranks, answer the most basic questions about the DC Madam story that never was? Mr. Ross may wonder himself if Palfrey's death was self-inflicted or a torturous murder, but as long as he withholds the secrets of the lists, he's probably safe from harm.

Dick Cheney's McLean, VA phone number, reported earlier, was summarily un-reported after the turnaround by ABC News. ABC anchor Sam Donaldson had also been a rumored client, along with a law partner of Rudy Giuliani, associates of Jack Abramoff and many more Pentagon, DC and corporate insiders on the list of over 10,000 numbers. According to close associates, there were more Democrats on Palfrey's list than Republicans. But after Cheney turned up on the list, the story, already on the ABC website and poised to run on 20/20, suddenly went away. No explanation was offered as to why ABC reversed itself. Any mention of Cheney was scrubbed from their website and the 20/20 piece never ran. The mainstream press continued to carry the DC Madam story without mentioning Cheney, excepting DC blogsman Wayne Madsen, who says his reporting was corroborated by multiple sources.

Joe Strizack, the manager of an Orlando condo building where Deborah Palfrey owned a unit disputed the alleged suicide notes that were published in the media after witnessing examples of her handwriting going back years. Strizack concluded, "That is not her signature. She could sign her signature a hundred times and it would be identical," Strizack told NBC news. While forensic analysis and comparison possibly could have proved whether or not Palfrey wrote the suicide letters, which is doubtful, it may not have ruled out murder, as political assassinations made to look like suicides are sometimes covered-up by forcing the victim to write a suicide note under threat of harm coming to their family. Many of the reasons indicated in the letters contradicted Palfrey's stated attitude towards her impending court date and potentially serving time in prison.

There were four recorded public statements by Palfrey attesting to the fact that she would never commit suicide, and if she was found dead to immediately suspect murder. Despite these on-the-record statements, the majority of the corporate media ignored each one and instead gave credence to an unverified claim of a professional conspiracy debunker who had been caught fabricating statements in the past.

Strizack maintained that Palfrey's demeanor immediately before she allegedly took her own life betrayed no sign that she was contemplating suicide. "Monday morning a woman tells you that she's afraid for her life, she told me several instances where people were following her, and Thursday she's dead," Strizack said. "What do you think' If someone would put a hit out for her and if someone wanted something done they could do it." "She insinuated that there is a contract out for her and I fully believe they succeeded." Strizack also revealed that Palfrey had told him that her client list went 'from the White House on down.' Palfrey told Strizack her clients consisted of 'a lot of influential people' from both political parties. Palfrey left for her mother's house with some suitcases and a box.

"She had one white paper file box that she told me had some important papers, all the information that she had on her business in Washington." If Palfrey was planning to commit suicide just three days later then why did she leave with several suitcases and a box of files' According to an AP report, "Blanche Palfrey, her mother, had no sign that her daughter was suicidal, and there was no indication that alcohol or drugs were involved. Palfrey stated on at least two programs, including the Alex Jones Show, that she would 'never commit suicide, also telling Jones privately to suspect murder if she were found dead. These statements correlate with accounts from both Strizack and Palfrey's mother indicating that she was not suicidal.

Dr. Jon R. Thogmartin, the Medical Examiner for Pinellas County, and his staff, were responsible for performing the autopsy on Jeanne Palfrey, and ruled it a suicide. Thogmartin and his staff are also the ones who determined in 2005 that Terri Schiavo, the brain damaged woman whose feeding tube was removed by court order, was a vegetable and "blind", despite the video we saw that clearly showed otherwise. Thogmartin refused to allow any other medical examiner or forensic pathologist to observe Schiavo's autopsy, common professional courtesy. Thogmartin is also the one who agreed with the provably corrupt Medical Examiner Charles Siebert, who ruled that Martin Lee Anderson, the 14-year-old boy who died at the Bay County Boot Camp in Florida, had died of complications from sickle cell trait.

However, a second autopsy performed by Hillsborough medical examiner Vernard Adams following an exhumation indicated that the teen didn't die from natural causes but rather as the result of suffocation at the hands of the boot camp guards who had shoved ammonia capsules up the boy's nose, blocked the boy's mouth and forced him to inhale the ammonia that caused his vocal chords to spasm, blocking his airway. Seven guards and a nurse were arrested and charged with aggravated manslaughter in Anderson's death. To say that those responsible for the results of Palfrey's autopsy were compromised would be a massive understatement. Laughable would be more accurate.

One of her escort service employees was former University of Maryland professor Brandy Britton, who was arrested on prostitution charges in 2006. She was, like Palfrey, found hanged after allegedly committing suicide, in January 2007, days before she was set to go to trial. She was NOT going to go to jail, since she had only been charged with prostitution. "She was very upbeat, very positive, ready to fight them, she absolutely was not going to give in, then all of a sudden, a few days before she was to go to trial, she committed suicide - all of her family members and friends said that this was extremely abnormal." Palfrey told the Alex Jones Show that individuals involved in the call girl scandal thought Britton was about to name names. "I'm not planning to commit suicide," Palfrey said, "I'm planning on going into court and defending myself vigorously, and exposing the government," she said.

On top of all of this, former NSA analyst and Navy intelligence officer Wayne Madsen said that one of the key motives behind the DC Madam's murder may have been the information her call girls picked up from Washington's top brass concerning foreknowledge and government complicity in the 9/11 attacks.

Madsen added that most of Palfrey's call girls had been active around the area of McLean Virginia, which is where the CIA and other intelligence agencies are based and where Dick Cheney lived at the time. Talk show host Alex Jones recalled that during interviews Palfrey had told him that her escort service was in fact being used as an intelligence operation to gather intelligence on individuals who used the escort service, particularly those connected to the military. Madsen, who spoke personally to Palfrey on numerous occasions, recalls one conversation where Palfrey told him, 'I have information that would have been of great interest to the 9/11 Commission - there's information that her call girls have that would have been very important for the 9/11 Commission to know having to do with intelligence they picked up about 9/11 before it happened'. The former NSA official noted that some of Palfrey's call girls were being chauffeured by Sherlington Limousines to poker parties attended by former CIA director and co-chair of the Joint 9/11 Intelligence Inquiry Porter Goss.

One of the reasons cited for Goss' abrupt resignation in May 2006 was his alleged involvement in a prostitution scandal where lobbyists were holding parties for GOP lawmakers that featured hookers and gambling at the Watergate Hotel in D.C. On the morning of 9/11, Goss was having breakfast with the head of Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) General Mahmoud Ahmad, the man who ordered a wire transfer of $100,000 to alleged lead hijacker Mohammed Atta. In addition, Madsen pointed out that Jack Abramoff, who was also connected to the DC Madam scandal, allowed at least two of the 9/11 hijackers to use one of his casino boats in the days before 9/11. These are likely what Palfrey was referring to when she spoke about her call girls picking up information about 9/11 before it happened.

"There's the link, when you've got Abramoff and you had two of those hijackers on his casino boat a few days before 9/11 - I just wonder if that's what Jeane was talking about," said Madsen. Many will recall that Newsweek reported that military brass in Washington received a warning the night before the 9/11 attacks which led to a September 11 flight being cancelled. According to the September 13, 2001 issue: "NEWSWEEK has learned that while U.S. intelligence received no specific warning, the state of alert had been high during the past two weeks, and a particularly urgent warning may have been received the night before the attacks, causing some top Pentagon brass to cancel a trip. Why that same information was not available to the 266 people who died aboard the four hijacked commercial aircraft may become a hot topic on the Hill."

Of course, that never happened. The connection to 9/11 provides a key motive for why numerous power brokers would have wanted Palfrey to be shut up for good before she had the opportunity to release information in court that her call girls picked up about 9/11 pointing to foreknowledge and government complicity in the attacks.

And now Deborah Palfrey is gone, and with her many dark secrets of the D.C. elite. Among those secrets are the names of some of Washington's highest level politicians, including many that were not released to the public. The knowledge that Palfrey had about members of Washington's elite being involved in and using her escort service for the purposes of hiring prostitutes, and their links to 9-11, would have been enough to end scores of careers, wreck the lives of countless influential power brokers, and possibly bring down the entire government. Anyone with any knowledge of how these operations are conducted would have to STRONGLY SUSPECT that Deborah Palfrey was eliminated because of what she knew, and all of the information she had on our so called public servants. Just like Chandra Levy, another woman who could have exposed some of D.C.'s darker secrets, who seven years to the day before Palfrey was apparently murdered, disappeared on May 1, 2001. May 1st is a satanic holiday called "Beltane", dedicated to human sacrifice. It is also the birthday of the Order of the Illuminati. This date was likely chosen in both murders as a sign to those in the know, the elitists, a large number of them satanists. There will probably never be an honest investigation into the Palfrey case, because the truth about what really happened to her could reveal the truth behind so many other deceptions generated by the government-media complex.